Rear-End Collision Claims With The Injury Lawyer In Mississauga
The rear-end crashes seldom lead to fatalities or severe injuries but mostly result in injury to the soft tissues. The personal injury lawyer in Mississauga assists their clients to make successful claims for damages from the insurance company. The common result is whiplash injury and the other names for this are hyperflexion and hyperextension. Here, the movement of the neck is sudden due to the impact resembling the cracking of the whip, giving it the name. One among every five victims of rear-end collision suffers from whiplash injury as per the studies with 80% of people experiencing soreness and pain for more than one week as the injury lawyer in Mississauga explains.
Approximately 50% suffer soreness and pain for over a year. Head and face injury might have even when the cars are moving at speeds below 20 miles. You can also suffer from a back injury when there is a sudden impact and this is painful. Even low-speed crashes compress the intervertebral disks and the low spine region. This might result in bulging or herniated disks. In a slow-speed crash, when the airbags fail to deploy, it throws your head and face in the steering wheel and other interior car parts.
According to the injury lawyer in Mississauga, collision leads to fractured cheek bones, detaches retinas, break noses, and jawbones. There might also be bruises, cuts, and the forces cut the scalp and face. Arm and hand injuries are common too for passengers and driver. This occurs with the collision moving them around in the car interiors and bracing during impact. Exploding airbags lead to hand and arm injuries. The seatbelt holds the torso firmly and instantly during rear-end collision. This way the crash does not cause severe injuries according to the injury lawyer in Mississauga.
With rear-end crash, there is slamming of the body forward so that you hit the safety straps leading to scrapes and bruises to the neck, torso, and shoulders. Once you sustain injuries in the collision, your lawyer seeks compensation for personal injury and property damage. The insurance company and the police assign the fault in rear-end collision. The victims file liability claims after an auto accident with the insurance company of the driver at fault. Mostly, the insurer would accept the full responsibility but sometimes disagrees from the outset regarding the injury claim value.
The injury lawyer in Mississauga says that the insurer blames the claimant even when the other driver was the one at fault. This happens when the car brake lights did not work so the driver behind you claims that they were unable to see your car and this led to the crash. When this happens, speak to your attorney to determine a strategy. To read more Click Here