What Is Product Liability?

Product liability refers to the liability that a seller or producer has when they put out a defective product on the market and it causes someone to get hurt. The law requires that a product meets the customer's expectations, and when a product is flawed, meaning is a risk for people to use it, it cannot be said to fulfill the customer's expectation. In this article, you will find:

• Types of product defects.
• When it is considered a product liability.

Types of product defects

There are three categories of product liability claims:

• Defective products: a company is liable for a design flaw if the product presented a foreseen risk when it was manufactured and used for its purposes, and yet it was delivered to public use. Defective products can cause severe injuries to the person using them.

• Manufacturing defects: a manufacturing defect is one that was not intended by the manufacturer. The product does not meet its intended design despite all possible care that was tried or exercised in the preparation and marketing of the product. This means that it makes no difference how careful the manufacturer was when they designed the product, selected materials, and issued quality assurance. If a defective product was put in the hands of customers and caused injuries, the manufacturer is liable.

• Defects in warnings: Even if there were no design flaws and the product was correctly manufactured, it may still be considered unsafe. A product can cause harm that could have been avoided or reduced by the seller or distributor if it were not for inadequate instructions or warnings. The manufacturer can be found liable if they just release the product to the market without any instructions.

When it is considered a product liability

Despite what actions a manufacturer or seller claims it took in the production and handling of a product, proving fault in this kind of case does not need proof of negligence on the side of the maker or seller if all the following steps exist:

• The product had an extremely serious defect that hurt you as a consumer. The flaw can occur during the design of the product, during manufacture, or during handling or transportation.
• The flaw resulted in an injury when the product was being used in the way it was meant to be used.
• The product had not been significantly altered from its original condition.

Contact injury lawyers in Mississauga to get compensation

Product liability cases can be quite complicated, it often requires the assistance of engineers and other professionals to analyze them and decide whether or not the product is defective. Determining who is liable for the flaw and the person's injury might be challenging.

Injury lawyers in Mississauga are aware of this fact and they can provide the experience and knowledge needed in this matter. They will ensure that your rights are enforced throughout the legal process. Contact them right away to get the compensation you deserve. For more information visit here: MPC Personal Injury Lawyer

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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